Reach the right state of mind

Short introduction

For those of you you reached this website by accident: pleased to make your acquaintance.
For those you reached this site on purpose: I'm glad you made it!

My name is Jean Paul van Dijk.
On July 11th, 1972, a sunny Tuesday, I was born. Since then, most of my birthday parties passed with a bright sun.
I got married on my birth date, in 2008. I almost became a parent on my birth date as well; our sweet girl Veerle was born on July 19th, 2011.
We still live in The Netherlands. For the past decade, we live in Breda, one of the larger and one of the older cities in the South of The Netherlands.

Find joy in life from the company of others

In the past few years, I experienced that I changed focus, when it comes to my social life.
Especially after Veerle was born, spending free time with friends and relatives, having conversations and spending meals together, is most satisfactory.
By occasion, you might be lucky and meet new people. People with common ground: respect, and honousty. Not divided by origin, colour of skin, wealth, social status or religion, but united in norms and values.

It's a history repeating..

I tend to call myself one of the lucky ones.
Beside my wife, I have some people in my life that I know I can call "Friends for Life". The reason I can call them "Friends for Life" is not that we have been friends for many years, but the fact that we remain friends, no matter where we live, what we do or how we do it.