AboutState of Mind

Find joy in life from the company of others

In the past few years, I experienced that I changed focus, when it comes to my social life.
Especially after Veerle was born, spending free time with friends and relatives, having conversations and spending meals together, is most satisfactory.
By occasion, you might be lucky and meet new people. People with common ground: respect, and honousty. Not divided by origin, colour of skin, wealth, social status or religion, but united in norms and values.


I want to go
To a different land
Try my best
To understand
The different traditions
And customs
That people have

The Jacksons - Goin' Places (1977)

Paris, France

Notre Dame

London, United Kingdom

Trafalgar Square

Budapest, Hungary

Opera Metro station

Bouillon, Belgium

Bridge over the Semois river and fortress

Prague, Czech Republic

Metro escalators under Nóve Mesta

New York City, USA

Nathan's on Coney Island: hot dog eating contest statistics

Mostuéjouls, France

View on the small village in Gorges du Tarn

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Tea farm

Den Bosch, The Netherlands

Bird's eye view over the city center


Perenthian Islands, Malaysia

Dive masks on honeymoon

Breda, The Netherlands

Spotting ghosts on your wedding day

Budapest, Hungary

Holocaust Memorial

Interstate 662, USA

Directions, anyone?

Paris, France

Place de la Concorde on a rainy night

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

24/7 Market place


Spanish bodega

Bodega thoughts

Malacca, Malaysia

Taxi! Taxi!

Great grandpa's house

Cupcakes, anyone?

Wheat field near Simpelveld, The Netherlands

Wheat field

Fort McHenry, USA

Visiting historic site on a hot day

New York City, USA


Near Negril, Jamaica

On a catamaran

New York City, USA

Biking on the Brooklyn Bridge

Antwerp, Belgium

Horse riding on grandpa's back on Belgian camping site

Utrecht, The Netherlands


Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Family having high tea (no particular reason)

Brabant province, The Netherlands

Driving an old timer challenge in Bart's Benz