
My name is Jean Paul van Dijk.

On July 11th, 1972, a sunny Tuesday, I was born. Since then, most of my birthday parties passed with a bright sun.
I got married on my birth date, in 2008. I almost became a parent on my birth date as well; our sweet girl Veerle was born on July 19th, 2011.
We still live in The Netherlands. For the past decade, we live in Breda, one of the larger and one of the older cities in the South of The Netherlands.

For the past years, I have been working in ICT, as a consultant.
Clients in a lot of different sectors of industry ask for different solutions.Especially in the last five years, the requests for inquiry are no longer constrained to ICT only; most of the inquiries today have an organizational origin.

Luckily, life for me is a lot more than work.

John Lennon stated it the best:

Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans.